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Real life issues and conversations.
Daddy Issues

Daddy Issues

  • December 30, 2019
  • by

She desperately wanted the approval of her daddy, but each time all she got were 2/3 mins of phone conversations, 5mins visits or no time at all.

As she grew up she would look for the love she desperately needed from her father from boys but each boy she found herself with, constantly disappointed her because they could never be her daddy, they could never love her like she needed. The only way they could love her was with conditions which involved satisfying their sexual desires as young boys.

Some will call it daddy issues. What would you call it?

Can you relate with this little girl who desperately wanted the approval of her daddy and instead looks for love in the wrong places.

Many young girls today are struggling with these issues!!! This is very real, that’s why you see some girls moving from different guys to another!

It’s not that they are sluts it’s just that they are hurt and they need to find themselves and become whole.

She is

  • Judged
  • Slut shammed
  • Not understood


  • Understand
  • Love
  • Be there
  • Care for her

All she needs and wants is love, constant cuddles and a hug.

So why should she be constantly crucified by your vicious words, stares and gossips?

She is just a little girl inside who desperately wants her daddy’s love and approval


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