Stay Connected

Real life issues and conversations.
Navigating dating in your 30’s

Navigating dating in your 30’s

  • April 06, 2024
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I feel like this is not spoken about enough maybe because there seems to be a stigma about being in your 30’s and unmarried...
Final day of 2020 (Gratitude) 

Final day of 2020 (Gratitude) 

  • December 31, 2020
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The last day of 2020 is finally here 31.12.2020 Hmmm... How do I feel about this?...
The beauty and ashes of life

The beauty and ashes of life

  • September 23, 2020
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We all come into the world with our first breaths, unknown with the unknown. The unknown becomes family. Family becomes love...
A city we call home.

A city we call home.

  • September 23, 2020
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A city in Nigeria; A place millions of Nigerians all call home...
Emotional Battles

Emotional Battles

  • September 23, 2020
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I look at myself in the mirror, My cheeks pale from all those late-night crying, from all those times I would be secretly crying inside,...
A hopeful mellifluous thought of the heart

A hopeful mellifluous thought of the heart

I want to, but can’t ... to I think about you every day I think about you every time I want to walk with you I want to...
A house full of memories and pain.

A house full of memories and pain.

  • April 16, 2020
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There are people who you know would be with you for life and know that they are family no matter what. But what happens...
The Pandemic that knows no limits

The Pandemic that knows no limits

  • April 05, 2020
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We are separated by language. We are separated by boarders, which require visas, passports, green cards and residence permits. We are separated by our cultureswe are...